25 Mar 2016

Towards hungry Midnight

Buje Cabbih - Citro MduroGood eating patterns not just consuming food quality and has a high nutritional value as recommended in the health sciences. While it is in fact it is true. We eat not just to satiety, but also provide enough nutrients for the body to be used for activities both physically and mentally.

Food was also not to be always tasty and savory, if that in fact this tongue is like picking the food was tasty and according to taste.

But I think, again just my opinion perhaps, the most important is the food patterns of thinking that makes it good or bad, not tasty or delicious, so as to create an atmosphere of dining delights or no favors. Patterns of thinking that I mean think about eating. Does eating it is a necessity or just a desire. If just a desire, not necessarily the food was expensive and looked delicious can be perceived with a tasty and delicious, but if the mind is said that eating it is needed, then like any food served will taste delicious and scrumptious. Moreover, if we needed to eat in accordance with what we want, it would be truly extraordinary.

This time around midnight, stomach feels hungry. This is certainly due to irregular eating patterns. Due to irregular eating, causing while others have started to knit their dreams, I have to starve and leafed through the detritus in the kitchen, and acquired almost all empty. Unless raw rice, and even then the remaining few glasses. Hemmmm .. need to be washed and put in the appliance to cook rice. Being a chef suddenly and in an emergency.

While waiting for the ripening rice, this article was published, due to the emergence of the idea of writing just came out. What will make the atmosphere a delicious meal? It seems to be strongly favors considering and weighing the stomach condition that is experiencing conditions demonstration of the residents therein.

Alhamdulillah, so delicious incredible because I was given the opportunity to feel hungry, I was given the opportunity to open up food supplies in the kitchen, are given the opportunity to wash a few cups of rice left over and cook it. Let me not given hunger, or even cannot feel it. Do I still said to be human? Perhaps I am no longer a human being because it cannot feel hungry, and are unlikely to know what is called satiety.

Hungry turns up to scrutiny are an extraordinary grace which we are unaware. Did not find the food in the kitchen is also a favor we sometimes think of as disastrous. Because sometimes we lack circumstances be remembered by the Grantor fortune, if not feel hungry and sees the conditions in the kitchen tonight, maybe I was late in the dream that is not necessarily beautiful.

Subhanallah, I hope I did not ever given lessons by hunger, but hopefully get lessons and always remember Him in a state of satiety and full of joy full of blessing, as well as the readers everything that had stopped finding of this paper.

In conclusion, keep your diet while they are there to eat before the pleasure of eating it lifted and we can not feel the hunger and satiety. Grateful for what you got, and are patient with that have not been obtained. Hopefully this is an expression of my gratitude while waiting to be eaten cooked rice with a pestle and mortar Cenge ACAN In Madura Language (chili paste) Sebagai penutup artikel kali ini, saya mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas kesediaan para sahabat untuk mengunjungi Blog CITRO MDURO dan membaca tulisan yang bertajuk Towards hungry Midnight, walaupun bukan tulisan insiratif dan kurang inovatif yang dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi para pembaca ataupun anda lewat karena tersasar dan terdampar pada tulisan Towards hungry Midnight. Kami sangat berterima kasih karena anda sudah berkenan walaupun mungkin sangat terpaksa. Silahkan tinggalkan jejak anda untuk menjalin silaturahmi, atau temukan yang anda cari tentang Towards hungry Midnight dan salam jabat erat dari PAMEKASAN MADURA

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